As years progressed, tragedy struck when Allicia’s little sister Erica, passed away after heart complications. She was only 24 years old, leaving behind her husband of barely a year and a precious baby girl. Erica was with Allicia from the total beginning, acting in plays and being he Vice President of the committee. Erica encouraged her to go all the way with G Rated, even in her last days. With influential works, Allicia decided to follow the Lord and began to build G Rated independently with no strings attached. God showed Allicia a vision of a great event center where nationwide production companies can come perform, other events can be booked, and Allicia Johnson’s original pieces can be birthed. This place will be called G Rated Theater. Not only does Allicia pride herself in her plays, but she continues to grow as a freelance photographer and graphic artist. The future of G Rated is bright with goals of traveling across the nation, and in honor of her sister, G Rated will develop the “So Fly” studio and form the “God Knows My Heart” Foundation helping young women being treated with peripartum cardiomyopathy. Allicia Johnson will never forget when her sister said she was amazing.